2024 Female Students and STEM Report
Breaking the glass ceiling
Women are underrepresented in many STEM careers, but YouScience and Ford Next Generation Learning are working to close the career exposure gap and help female students find future success.

Report summary

For years, societal expectations and stereotypes have suppressed female participation in modern careers in science, technology, engineering, and math. While some progress has been made, with women accounting for 28% of the STEM workforce, female students are often not exposed to these high-wage and in-demand careers. Aptitude-enabled education aims to accelerate that progress and expose talented female students to opportunities they may have never considered.

Highlights from this report:

  • Insights and analysis of anonymized data from 233,000 female middle and high school students in the United States collected in 2023

  • Aptitude and exposure gap data for STEM career fields such as Computers & Technology and Health Science

  • Recommended solutions from YouScience and Ford Next Generation Learning to engage female students in STEM and close the exposure gap for these careers

  • A success story from a student who discovered a love of STEM by learning about her aptitudes and innate talents

Female students have the aptitude for Computers & Technology

More than 377,000 job openings are expected each year on average in Computers & Technology, and women have the aptitude for these high-paying careers.

Female students have the aptitude for Advanced Manufacturing

Only 30% of the manufacturing workforce are women, but increased exposure can encourage more female students to pursue this pathway.

Download the report

About YouScience

YouScience® is the leading technology provider dedicated to solving the skills and exposure gap crisis for students and employers. Its end-to-end platform, YouScience® Brightpath, connects education with career applications designed to help students unlock their potential for future pathways. YouScience leverages proven research, artificial intelligence, and industry input to help individuals identify their aptitudes, validate their skills and knowledge, and get matched with real-world educational and career pathways in high-demand occupations. YouScience is the preferred choice of individuals, parents, educators, and counselors to guide and support educational and career pathways, currently serving more than 9,200 educational institutions and millions of users nationwide.

To learn more about Brightpath, visit www.youscience.com/brightpath

About Ford Next Generation Learning

Ford Next Generation Learning (Ford NGL) is a community-connected transformation model dedicated to reshaping K-12 education to better align with the demands of the modern workforce. By mobilizing educators, employers, and community leaders, Ford NGL is preparing a generation of diverse young people who are ready for college, careers, and life. Students, as a result, are equipped to apply their passion and skills to contribute and improve their communities. Committed to empowering all students to thrive in an ever-evolving world, Ford NGL is making a significant impact on advancing student, community and workforce success.

To learn more about Ford NGL, visit www.fordngl.com